Monday, July 27, 2009

- It's Official... -

It's official!!! I am THE worst blogger ever!!!! I'll try to do better in the future, okay? Pinky swear!

And.....I plan on catching up on a few things that have gone on over the summer. Here they are just so you'll have something to look forward to! :)

- Diane's retirement.
- Relay for Life.
- Butlers big move.
- My Birthday.
- Steel Days.
- Bear Lake.
- Pug and Joey's love story.

So stay tuned!!! They will be put in chronological order so you might have to look hard for them...


Teri's Life said...

Okay - I'll stay tuned, but I'm an impatient person!

Melissa said...

Get posting already!!!

Vanessa Swenson said...

yay. i think i just fell over. but i recovered to read the post. i'm very excited for the future now.

Suzy Hunter said...

Did I seriously miss your birthday?

Michelle said...

I can't wait to hear all about them! Happy Birthday...a little late:)