Monday, June 16, 2008

- Mandy's Poll -

Good morning fellow sisters in Zion! I hope you all had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. I sure did! Wasn’t it absolutely BEE-YOU-TEA-FULL?!

Announcement: I’m not sure you have all heard, but on July 11th Mandy will become endowed with power! That’s right…I’ve decided to go through the temple on my birthday. Yipee!!! I know…I know…it’s about time, right? Anyway, I’ve decided it would be fun (and beneficial to Mandy) to take a poll on the different flavors of garments. So…what kinds do you like and dislike? Any little facts and findings on what you’ve discovered? Any temple preparation tips? Anything you’ve got or would like to share would be awesome!

When you get a minute, let me know. Thank you for being such great examples of women of faith to me! Love you all tons!!!

PS: If you’d like a copy of the poll results…I’d be glad to share. I might even make a pie chart or graph or something to display my findings. You know…just for kicks.

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